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​ 一方、備前、備中、美作を治める大名宇喜多直家は毛利家と手を切り、播磨国に進出していた織田家と手を組む算段を立てていた。かつては戦で刃を向け合った相手への和睦の使者に名乗りを上げたのは、直家の養子となっていた桃太郎であった。三木城攻めをしていた秀吉の元に小西弥九郎とともに参じる桃太郎。和睦の条件として秀吉が提示したのは、毛利水軍を抑えることであった。桃太郎は画期的な戦法で毛利軍を叩きのめす。



​ 東村の共有の畑がイノシシに荒らされ、血亡と鬼丸が見張り小屋に詰めることとなった。すると何故か忠家家臣の高級武士が興味を示し、共に小屋に詰めるという。そのことを訝しがりながらも見張っていると、畑向こうの森に動く影を発見し、鬼丸は飛び出して行く。果たしてそこで見たものは──。

  Oni is Japanise demon or orge.
  The stage is the Sengoku period of the 16th century.

  It's been 10 years since the Momotarō's war. The island was the territory of Ukita Tadaie, the younger brother of Ukita Naoie, the daimyo of Bizen Province. The samurai built a castle in the southern part of the island, a castle town called "Naonomiya", where Nanban people lived and prospered as a commercial town.

  Onimaru, Yoshiki, and Kibazō learned how to read and write, acquired the status of "hitokata" who could go in and out of Naonomiya, and went to a co-educational school with humans. There, an education was given to instill in them the horror and cruelty of oni. Some village oni despised them because they earned cash by doing business with humans at Naonomiya. Kisuke and others, who are independent radicals, are openly hostile.

  Meanwhile, teacher Tokizane (commonly known as Maro) and Yoshiki cause a quarrel, and the teacher is fired. It was Tadaie's daughter Nazuna-hime's petition for her life that saved Tokizane from committing seppuku.

​  Onimaru and others visit Hitotsuno Shrine, which is located on the summit of Hitotsuno in the center of the island. After having a pleasant talk with the current chief priest, SHIRAKI Masaomi, and his daughter, Mao, the shrine maiden, they head to the tataraba. With the privately minted coins made there, Yoshiki will go to the gambling hall of the direct shrine for a once-in-a-lifetime big game, but...?

  On the way back to the village after hunting a wild boar on Mt. Hitotsuno, the hunter Chi-na was about to be robbed of the boar by an unknown samurai. At that time, a mounted warrior in armor rushes in and defeats the samurai. The mounted warrior was Tadaie Ukita, the feudal lord of Onigashima, and the samurai killed belonged to the MŌRI family.

​  On the other hand, UKITA Naoie, a feudal lord who ruled over Bizen, Bitchu, and Mimasaka, broke off with the MŌRI family and made plans to join forces with the ODA family, who had advanced into Harima Province. It was Momotarō, the adopted son of Naoie, who offered himself as a messenger of reconciliation to the opponents who had once turned their blades against each other in battle. Momotarō joins Hideyoshi with KONISHI Yakurō, who is attacking Miki Castle. What Hideyoshi proposed as a condition for reconciliation was to suppress the MŌRI navy. Momotarō defeats the MŌRI navy with an epoch-making tactic.
  However, a demon who was participating in Momotarō's navy as a sailor took action...
  As a result, rifts begin to form among the village onis.

​  A wild boar ransacked a shared field in East Village, and Chi-na and Onimaru were forced to pack up in a lookout hut. Then, for some reason, a high-ranking samurai who is a vassal of Chuke shows interest, and they say they will stay in the hut together. Onimaru finds a moving shadow in the forest beyond the field, and Onimaru rushes out. What did he see there?

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