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鬼が島(short ver.)/竹中越前守樫家


Onigashima(shot ver.)/TAKENAKA.E.Kashiie

The theme of Onigashima

00:00 / 01:35

作詞・作曲・編曲/竹中越前守樫家 鬼が島 その歴史思い出しな 鬼が島 それこそが誇りだしな 鬼が島 音に乗せ踊りな皆 鬼が島 鬼が島 ここは鬼が島鬼たちの楽園 ぼやぼやしてると立場は逆転 世を嘆くお前まるで白楽天 ならば行動しろ乗るかこの作戦 Foda-se人間とりわけ武士ども ぶち殺す一揆の相談 冗談じゃねえぞ 腹切って詫びれば許してやる降参 一角山には一人も通さん 坊さんみてえな末法思想を圧倒しろ この現実を前に葛藤しろ その先に見えてくる答えがお前ら 導く光となり隣には頼れる相棒 沸き立つ細胞 血湧き肉躍るステージへ開放 人間どもにも後悔を 桃太郎 どこだろう その首取ってこその男だろう 人間どもは襲いな皆 自由を勝ち取るこの日が来た 鬼が島 その歴史思い出しな 鬼が島 それこそが誇りだしな 鬼が島 音に乗せ踊りな皆 鬼が島 鬼が島

(TAKENAKA.E.Kashiie) Produced by TAKENAKA.E.Kashie Onigashima, remember that history Onigashima, that's what I'm proud of Onigashima Everyone dances to the sound Onigashima Onigashima This is Onigashima, a paradise for demons. If you're lamenting the world, you're like Hakurakuten, then act or get on with this strategy Foda-se humans, especially samurai We will kill them, rebellion consultation, it's not a joke If you apologize and apologize, I will forgive you and let you surrender We never let anyone goes to Mt. Hitotsuno Overwhelm the thought of the end of the world that looks like a monk Struggle in front of this reality The answer that comes into view ahead is Becoming a guiding light, next to me is a reliable partner, bubbling cells Open to the dancing meat and blood-boiling stage Where is Momotarō? Attack all humans The day has come to win freedom Onigashima, remember that history Onigashima, that's what I'm proud of Onigashima Everyone dances to the sound Onigashima Onigashima

鬼の宴(喇風ver.)(short ver.)/竹中越前守樫家

​ 鬼族伝統の祝いの歌に夜死鬼が喇風をつけたもので、南蛮人が残した譜面を元に再現したものになります。

Oni no utage-oni's feast(rappu ver, short ver.)

  It is a traditional song of celebratory songs of the ogre tribe, with a twist by Yoshiki. This is reproduced based on the musical score left by the Nanban people.

00:00 / 01:43

作詞・作曲/鬼族・夜死鬼 編曲/竹中越前守樫家 呑めや歌えや 鬼の宴だ 日々の疲れは 全部うっちゃれや さあさあお立ち合いの皆々様方 南は見ないで祭りが始まった 寄ってけ持ってけここから取ってけ ご苦労なお仕事たまにはサボってけ 赤青白もひとつになり 馬鹿阿保見事地獄見たり 喜び悲しみ全部分かち合い 日頃の鬱憤全部流し合い だらしない人もまた祝い 意見の違いは話し合い だから騙し合いなんてありゃしない くだらん喧嘩も今日だけまだしない そう人間取り分け武士共お断り また色々こじれる元となり お隣と手を繋いだら 輪になって踊ろう 今日はみんな子供 呑めや歌えや 鬼の宴だ 日々の疲れは 全部うっちゃれや

(Oni tribe traditional and Yoshiki) Produced by TAKENAKA.E.Kashie Drink and sing, it's a oni's feast All the tiredness of the days is gone Come on everyone The festival began without looking at the south Come closer, take it, hold it from here Skip your hard work once in a while Red, blue, and white become one Stupid, fool, watched hell Joy and sorrow all share All the daily frustration is washed away Lazy people also celebrate Discuss differences of opinion That's why there's no such thing as deceiving each other I won't even have a silly fight just for today That's right, human beings, especially samurai, refuse In addition, it becomes a source of various troubles When I hold hands with my neighbor Let's form a circle and dance Today we're all children Drink and sing, it's a oni's feast All the tiredness of the days is gone



Ikkō ikki

A song by Tsujikaja Meninos. It will be reproduced based on the musical score left by the Nanban people.

00:00 / 03:50

作詞・作曲/夜死鬼 編曲/辻冠者メニーノス 南無阿弥陀仏 南無阿弥陀仏 加賀国に匹夫が集まり出す 南無阿弥陀仏 南無阿弥陀仏 希望の日が昇る 明日が開く 往くは極楽 引くは地獄 この世の辛さは死ぬよりひどく 飢えたおれらに明日来ない 手合わせすがるは阿弥陀如来 念仏唱えりゃ極楽浄土 武士どもが火つけた村は焦土 飢饉が起きれば子供は間引き 牛馬を食らい木の根かじり それでも年貢取り立て天狗になってる役人 逆にぶっ殺せ全部 もう我慢は無理だ お上は無視だ 今日からおれらが天下の国だ 竹槍 鎌持て敵は高尾城 取り戻せおれらの吉崎御坊 立ち上がれ一向衆全国同時 まぶたに浮かぶは蓮如上人 ここから始まる百姓の持ちたる国 食えるぜ餅がすぐに 殺せ 壊せ どかせ 燃やせ

(Yoshiki) Produced by TAKENAKA.E.Kashie Namu Amida Butsu Namu Amida Butsu Lower classes gather in Kaga Province Namo Amida Butsu Namo Amida Butsu The sun of hope rises Tomorrow opens Go ahead to enemy is heaven, withdraw is to hell The pain in this world is worse than death We who are hungry won't come tomorrow We put our hands together and cling to Amida Nyorai If you chant the nembutsu, you can go to heaven The village that the samurai set on fire is a scorched earth If there is a famine, the children are culled Eat cattle and gnaw tree roots Even so, the government officials who have become a tengu for collecting annual tribute, on the contrary, kill them all I can't stand it anymore, Ignore government From today onwards, this country is our world Take a bamboo spear and a sickle, the enemy is in Takao Castle Take back our Yoshizaki Gobo Stand up all over the country at the same time Rennyo Shonin floating on the eyelids A country of peasants starting here We can eat rice cakes right away Kill them, destroy them, burn them away

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